WALS International Conference 2014
WALS International Conference 2014
The World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) aims to promote and advance the research and practices of Lesson Study in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning. It provides a platform for research collaboration, mutual assistance and information exchange among its members. It is made up of educational researchers and teaching professionals committed to the improvement of the quality of learning.
Lesson Study as a tool for professional learning is now practised in many countries and it has helped schools around the world develop into learning communities. Our annual conferences bring together researchers, school leaders and teachers from various countries including China, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei, Sweden, UK and USA to share their experience and practice of lesson studies. They also provide opportunities for participants to discuss current and enduring issues pertaining to teaching, learning and research on Lesson Study.
Atas nama Panitia World Association of Lesson Study 2014 Conference, kami senang untuk mengumumkan perpanjangan batas waktu untuk pengajuan abstrak dengan 1 Juni 2014. Kami berharap bahwa waktu tambahan memungkinkan peserta internasional serta pendidik lokal untuk mempersiapkan abstrak . Kami telah menerima tanggapan yang sangat menggembirakan dari pendidik dan peneliti di seluruh dunia, termasuk lebih dari 200 abstrak untuk presentasi kertas dan simposium.
BalasHapusSilakan kirim abstrak melalui website konferensi di http://wals2014.upi.edu
Kami juga akan menghargai jika Anda bisa membantu menyebarkan informasi untuk konferensi ini kepada rekan-rekan dan teman-teman. Untuk pertanyaan, silahkan menghubungi sekretariat kami di wals2014@upi.edu.